The Eurologos production system: from order to delivery
This is how the Eurologos Group guarantees the quality of its linguistic and multimedia services. In the professional translation sphere, the concepts of geostylistic localisation of languages and re-localisation translation services in the place where the target language is spoken are not empty promises. Each project is managed by just one project manager who acts as a direct contact and is responsible for the client and the “producers” (translators, copywriters, terminologists, graphic designers and IT experts): an integrated linguistic and graphic design production chain all under one roof!

The Eurologos production system: from order to delivery
This is how the Eurologos Group guarantees the quality of its linguistic and multimedia services. In the professional translation sphere, the concepts of geostylistic localisation of languages and re-localisation translation services in the place where the target language is spoken are not empty promises. Each project is managed by just one project manager who acts as a direct contact and is responsible for the client and the “producers” (translators, copywriters, terminologists, graphic designers and IT experts): an integrated linguistic and graphic design production chain all under one roof!

Eurologos Milano and its Quality Certificates
MTP srl EUROLOGOS Milan is a certified company in compliance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 17100:2015.
Our Quality Management System documentation comprises all the documents necessary for guaranteeing the planning, functioning, checking and improvement of the processes that influence the quality of the service provided by MTP srl EUROLOGOS Milan.
Its quality policy is MTP srl EUROLOGOS Milan’s main QMS document and lays down in clear terms to the whole organisation the general aims, purposes and values that guide and support the work of all in-house and external staff, across the various levels, in order to guarantee that requirements are met and that the efficiency of the service and QMS is constantly improved, in the pursuit of excellence.